🔪 Butch 🔪

Isaiah "Butch" Taylor, (1969-2014) was a controversial figure in several subcultures. Known for his presence in the indie Metal scene in the 90's and 2000's, for competitive bodybuilding, and for an online presence geared towards BDSM, leatherworking, and pornography. His mysterious, untimely death was highly publicized, and (as of 2024) has become a highly speculated cold-case.

My terribly coded page for Butch!


Butch was born to Jacob (1938-1980) and Mary (1954-2020) Taylor in the small town of Shepherd's Bluff, Texas. The identity of his biological father is as-of-yet unknown, but details of an affair were discovered when Mary passed away in 2010. In 1980, Jacob Taylor was found partially decapitated by a gunshot wound, which was later proven to have been inflicted by Butch. The events leading up to his death are unknown, although physical evidence of Redacted until I can properly censor was discovered. This was enough to prevent Butch from being sentenced as an adult, and he was sent to Juvenile Corrections until the age of 18.

Butch was an incredibly talented vocalist and the frontman of the Death Metal band Indomitus. Due to creative disagreements and Butch being banned from performing at a number of venues, Butch and Indomitus parted ways in the mid 90's. There are many hipsters fans who preferred the band's sound before Butch was replaced, although throughout his later years Butch was adamant that "there's no place for [him] with them, anymore."

Butch went on to retire from the music scene and pick up bodybuilding, where he had yet to sour his reputation. Supposedly, the discovery of his highly sexual online presence lead several competitions to quietly disinvite him from competing. Despite this, he claimed to live comfortably from competition winnings, song royalties, and luck on the stock market. Post-mortem investigations of his financials said otherwise. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were being laundered through a shell company and transferred to his account every financial quarter. The source of this money is still unknown.


Butch was deeply mourned by the queer community of Shepherd's Bluff, who had claimed Butch to be kind, honest, and dependable. His longest relationship was with Roxanne Rose, a notable transgender activist who passed away from lung cancer in 2006.

He was known to have potentially hundreds of sexual partners throughout his lifetime. These partners were known members of the BDSM communities of Texas- of which Butch was considered a keystone member.

Butch's last known romantic partner went only by the name of "Vex", and has receded from the public eye since Butch's murder. Any attempt to establish meaningful contact with Vex has failed.



Butch had a warm tan skin tone, full-body freckles and moles, and severe scarring.

Facial features:

He had long black eyelashes adorning piercing green eyes with a prominent limbal ring. Butch suffered from permanent miosis. He had a prominent nose that had been broken several times, a deep split gash in his upper lip, and extremely stained and gnarled teeth with prominent canines. Butch had a stretched septum and lobes.


Black, well maintained and shiny, thigh length. Kept out of the way with a bun, ponytail, or braid, though just as often left down.


He was known for his physique, with high muscle and body fat.

Butch would only ever wear red, black, and white shirts. Leather, chaps, latex, chains, tank tops, muscle tees, and gold jewelry. Many of his clothes were reported to be custom-tailored and one-of-a-kind.



Leatherworking, motorcycling, web design, murder, watching horror movies.

Favorite Food:

Steak with sautteed mushrooms


Very Deep, Central/East Texan accent, slight lisp: Rattlesnake Jake
(Butch has done vocal training, she can do a very feminine voice, but she stopped using it.)


Butch has his own conlang, undiagnosed autism, and psychosis.

See Also:

  • Artfight
  • Toyhouse
  • Pinterest
  • Nothing here (yet)
  • Gallery


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